☑ AS: Michele tell me about your experience in Brazil, especially your relationship with nature in this land so full of resources, wide open spaces and beautiful people.
Tell us about the interaction with fashion and your relationship with the beauty of Brazilian women often required for your advertising campaigns.

☑ M.P. : Yes, I had the good fortune of being able to work in Brazil for many years, when the country still had a very complicated situation, with a lot of corruption and very little control of its territory, especially on the Amazon Basin, for years the prey of the large oil and  wood manufacturing companies.

Going back there after a few years, I noticed many changes in Brazil, especially
with the election of President Lula who has contributed to the rebirth of this land.
I found that the people were much more aware of seeking harmonious solutions to save their natural heritage which focuses mainly on the Amazon basin.
So much so that this year, given our role for some time now as WWF’s advertising agency, we will devote a great deal of attention in observing and appreciating all the initiatives aimed at the development of the Amazon territory. Even in light of the fact that this year Brazil  will have a huge amount of media attention due to the World Cup celebration. It will be the perfect stage for the appreciation of the positive and negative aspects of this nation.

I like the country of Brazil so much; it is very diverse, very large, and quite suitable for the work that I do in fashion, as well as for the environment. It has been one of my preferred places for its natural landscape beauty, and especially for its beautiful women who are some of the most famous models in the world.

I  have worked for an extended period of time with Ana Beatriz Barros and Adriana Lima, the inspirational  muses for many of my campaigns;  I have also worked with many photographers and filmmakers because Brazil is, in fact,  a true melting pot of ideas, people and professions and is very advanced in many of the arts, including architecture, interior design,  kitchen, where great chefs have fused Amazonian cuisine with the more traditional one.

In a nutshell there is a great deal of cultural and social ferment in Brazil today, also given the considerable industrial and commercial drive.  Nonetheless there are still obvious cultural and economic disparities. However, this country is rapidly evolving and I hope it is searching for that balance which some countries of Central America have not yet found.

I’ve always been a friend of Brazil and its people.

I hope that in the future I may have more exchange opportunities with Brazil

Because I have always thought of it as my second home.


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